"When we were young, we wanted to grow up too quickly. Now that we've grown up, the only wish left is to turn back the hands of time and be little again."
Tonight is the last night I spend still be being under parental care, based on the law. By 12 midnight, I'd be expected to make the right choices. Most people think it's the key to freedom, but when I think about it, I am afraid. For 20 years, I've relied on parental guidance, not that I won't need them anymore. But now, everything is absolutely a choice of mine, which means if I screw up, that's the path I'd have to walk.
Turning 21 in another three hours is making slightly nervous. I know I'll always have my parents by my side to guide me, but I hope that I'll be anchored and strong enough to make good decisions.
If I could make a 21st birthday wish to God, the first thing I hope for is wisdom to guide me through what life is going to throw at me. Life in adulthood as far as I know means going out there in the world, where we're not really much in the protected zone anymore.
However, I guess that all things come at the right time. Tomorrow was the day chosen for me, the birthdate marked in God's very own calendar before I was even born on Earth. Guess He knows when I'm ready to metamorphosize into the butterfly; finally hatching from that long time cocoon I've been wrapped up in during teenage years.
Am I actually ready to face the harsh, cruel reality out there? I guess that's what the 20 years were there for. Teenage years being the time to experiment crazy things, experiencing falling into the ditch; getting up and getting strong again with the help of our loved ones.
When I think about the years I've been through, I'm glad I've lived through these many to actually see only so little of the world. Yet, in our tiny dictionary, it's like we've seen so many things. I've had bitter sweet moments. Of those that have hurt and of those that has brought the greatest memories of all. I've lost people along the way, and gained real ones as well.
I've learned that love is indeed and will always be the most powerful element in giving us faith for tomorrow. Also, I have learned that life has its ups and downs, and the only thing we have left is to hold strong, keep believing in ourselves. To believe in the impossible and reach beyond the skies.
I recall the time I almost gave up on life, but then again, life never gives up on us. We were here for a reason, not by choice. We weren't made by accident, which gives us only one solution, that's to keep moving forward despite the days that seem impossible because we never know what is installed for tomorrow.
I know I'm just about turning into adulthood, but maybe, just maybe at least I do know that life can seem difficult but it is by our choice to start living. They say 21 is the key to freedom. I'll put it then as a key of freedom to make good grown up decisions, choosing and doing the right things.
Each breath another moment of us living,
Like the caterpillar spinning it's cocoon,
Finally hatching into metamorphosis of a butterfly,
Fly,fly little butterfly into the open,
To beautiful flowers in greener grasses of meadows,
Raindrops may make it hard to flap those wings of yours,
But never let that be the reason to stop rising towards the morning sun,
Blowing 21 candles means reaching another stage of life,
Life is only so much as we make it.