"They say that the youngest blossoms, are the late, but the most rare and beautiful of all."
I don't know if I'll say this on a yearly basis but, this year might have been the year with the sweetest and bittermost moments.
2012 is probably one of the years I'd cherish for memories. The year I finally learned a bit of adulthood, scarcely at the beginning. However, looked like it begun teaching me the very parts of living life.
I'd say that life pushed me as it is to grow as it always did. For the first time, I don't think I'd wanna set resolutions or plan so much for the year. I've learned that no matter how far we plan, somehow life just diverts according to how our lives were designed each uniquely by someone far greater than we know.
I've learned that each of us were made different, and to excel, we have to dare to be different. We often try to mimic the paths of others, not realizing that each of us are special in our own individual ways.
I finally realized, as humans, we can't be alone. We will need people to guide us, stand by us even when things get difficult. To be a successful person, none can stand but on his or her own pride. Even the most knowledgable or successful students; it had all begun with a teacher, parent or motivator.
I have come to learn again, even if for the millionth time, that life is harsh; yet, each lesson if taken positively, makes us stronger. I've learned that we trust with wisdom, love within boundaries. I've also learned that love comes from the most unexpected places or people. I've learned that giving up on hope seems like the best option when things get hard. However, it is when we push beyond pain and adversities, I believe somehow, we get stronger.
Although I don't see much of the sun in a dark, rising cloud, I've learned to trust that things happen for a reason. We don't see the pearl in it's making. Little do we realize, then soon enough, there'll be the most valueble jems in the palm of our hands. I believe now, that when time is right, fruits will ripen and the best is yet to come. They say that the youngest blossoms, are the late, but the most rare and beautiful of all.
Above all, I've learned to trust in the higher power. I've realized that nothing in this world can ever fulfill or comfort better than being greatly loved. It is not by ourselves that we exist, but a supernatural gift of love.
Before the year comes to an end, I'm really glad for the wonderful people that have come into my life within this short period of 365 days and those who have been in it longer than I've imagine. Thank you so much, it is because of all of you that contributed to who I am today.
With much love, may these last few hours of the years be cherished as your sweetest memories as dawn for a new morning of the year is coming. And perhaps, better things will come.