Thursday, March 29, 2012

To Hold On Or Let Go of Desires?

"Should I hold on or let go?"

I wonder how many of you actually have wishes and dreams; but you just know it's not possible? Nevertheless, you just wait. And wait.

The things that we desire for, sometimes don't cross our paths. They seem all so close, but it's like reaching for painted stars in the skies. You see them, yet, so far from reach.

I wonder if everyone has something perfect designed for them?

Sometimes, having to think of these desires we dream of; they are impossible to achieve. But what if, somehow, there was a possibility to it?

Deep down, I wonder if there is something installed for the best in future. I wonder does it have to wait, or is it that I'm just not anywhere near there?

What happens if you're close enough, but you don't know if it's the right thing to do? Or maybe, you don't know if it's even supposed to be routed as such?

Life is full of surprises and metaphores.

Sometimes, I find myself drowned in memories and daydreams of what if, or, just if.

I find myself hoping for things, at to my surprise, it does come true. Not all of it of course, but how nice if it would be as such.

Hoping can bring us closer to our dreams, but to what extend? What if these hopes turn around and crush us instead? Would it then tear our motivation towards something we're geared to?

Hope less, I guess. And just have faith that things are gonna work out the way we want it to be. Maybe that's the best solution for questions as these.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


How did things that seemed perfectly crystal suddenly turn opaque?

One thing's for sure I thought, I knew what I'd judge from my own taste would be as right for me. Somehow, I seem wrong.

Yes, change may turn good or bad. I used to comprehend every single thing of you. I still do. But I wonder when will be the time, we get over the past? When to start moving on and forget the person I used to be?

People don't wanna be judge for the person they used to be. There is a quote saying, you haven't changed, you're still your perfect self; but maybe, I've changed. Probably that change in my life is something you don't want anymore.

All I know is that a person may accept you, but what if they don't like your life? It might as well mean, not wanting the other half of you.

A person can do so much, but how much more will they be remembered?

People often evolve the bad things a person used to be, but do they stop to think for a second; the good things you tried to do?

Does this then clear the past? Nothing can be erased, however, we always hope that people will soon enough embrace the changes in us.

Life is about living, making mistakes; and most importantly learning to deal with it. Life can only mean nothing if we stop trying, or keep reliving the past.

Move forward and let life take you on a new journey.