So close to the verge of giving up in finding hope. And out nothing, I finally found something.- Fidelia
If I had lost my motivation to think positively, I only remember them being due to bitter memories. Trust being afraid to be passed on of fear to betrayal. My strength became my weaknesses until I finally found one who knew how to cherish them.
It's funny how I actually thought I'd be inspired by one so close in age gap with me. I never thought I'd say this, but it's weird how I'm like a rabbit tailing footsteps towards success that you have already set on the path.
Then I met you. Then you made me realize that life is more to than just things or problems surrounding ourselves.
I used to depend so much on others, I hadn't had the strength to withstand circumstances on my own. You reminded me that life isn't about depending on someone else to shape it, but me myself to drive towards the goal that I've set. Through the words you say, you made me grow up so much.
"If you change yourself for others, then what does that make you? It doesn't make you your own unique self anymore." - Kenny
It's been some time since I've met one who celebrates everyone's
differences. One who embraces and welcomes the opinions of others.
that, I didn't realize how much I tried accommodating other people's
needs so much so that I became less of myself. I kept having thoughts
that I wasn't good enough or that I couldn't bring myself to the state
of perfection.
However, you threw questions at me asking, "Why do keep wanting to be
someone else? You're special because you are you. You are Fidelia
because of the mistakes you make. Because of those imperfections and
trademarks, that's what made you unique and special in your own way."
After giving much thought, I realized that we can only do so much
by being ourselves and celebrating the differences of others. For that, I learned to accept myself for me. So many
words you uttered, stayed in my mind, making me take them on til another day.
When you brought me a little into your world, you also made me realize that there were many things going out there in the world. You taught me to be sensitive to the needs of others. We share the same vision in making a change for the better in the lives of others. And for that, you gave me a greater push in pursuing the dreams I once had in impacting others.
Knowing you also brought me face to face with challenges I had to deal with. I was afraid but you kept driving me right into my fears, yet, standing hand in hand with me in facing those obstacles. For that, I am grateful because things are a lot better.
You always tell me that life isn't certain and things don't always go according to how we want it to be. And for that, I've learned to be strong. I've learned to accept things as they are; living a simpler choice of life. I've also begun to cherish every single moment I have in life, making the best out of everything.
It's funny how we debated a bit on religion, yet, when I kept telling
myself I was going to fail; you actually reminded me of the strength in
God. I remembered the way you slightly doubted each time I mentioned
the word "Miracles", and that motivated me even more to continue
believing in the faith I had in God. In turn, I kept holding on to my
faith, hoping better things to happen each and everyday.
Not many people will really understand that little inspiration planted in me, that made me grow up so much more in the person I am today. Life is only so much, but it's up to us to make the most out of it.
Dedicated to Kenny Tan.
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